Hazelnut Chocolate French Crepe

One of the greatest thing in life is when someone share things with you, especially great food. A coworker of mines brought some hazelnut chocolate crepe to our happy lunch table one day and immediately I felt in love with it. This crepe can be found at Costco and was imported from France, sounds luxury already in my opinion. I believe this snack is seasonal as they don’t carry them at Costco year round. It did took me a while to find them in the store, I was going through aisle after aisle. The crepe was so thin, which reminded me of the Lady M crepe cake that I had before. Obviously its not the same as the Lady M crepe cake, but the thinly layers of crepe, although chewy, does melts in my mouth if leave a bit longer. The hazelnut chocolate fillings is not too sweet which creates a nice blend. It is great for anytime snack.